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 Annals of Genealogical Research > Vol. 8, No. 1 (2012) open journal systems 

The Duttons of Hatton Did Not Die Out: The Case Against the Rev'd Edward Dutton's Supposition

In 1810, the leading reference work Magna Britannia implicitly accepted that the legitimate male line of the Cheshire Gentry family called the Duttons of Hatton had died out. This article demonstrates that there is a high probability that the Duttons of Hatton did not die out in the legitimate male line in the eighteenth century. They actually survived through the yeoman family called the Duttons of Waverton and their nineteenth century descendants the Duttons of Stanthorne Hall. The article shows that there are two legitimate lines through which the Duttons of Stanthorne Hall may have descended from the Duttons of Hatton, with one much more probable than the other.

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Cite as: Edward Dutton, "The Duttons of Hatton Did Not Die Out: The Case Against the Rev'd Edward Dutton's Supposition," Annals of Genealogical Research Vol. 8, No. 1 () at http://www.genlit.org/agr/viewarticle.php?id=41

Subject areas: Duttons of Dutton; Duttons of Hatton, Waverton, Stanthorne Hall, William Dutton; Gentry; Cheshire; Cheshire

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Annals of Genealogical Research - ISSN 1555-9904